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Medical Wet Blasting Cabinet
Wet Blasting CabinetWet Sandblasting CabinetWet Blasting Machine
1 Sandblasting Cabinet Air Suction Fan 0,75 kWh Fan Motor 1
2 Sandblasting Cabinet Laser Cut 600x800x800mm Dimension. One Gate. All parts contacted to water and sand minture are stainless steel. 1
3 Elektrical Panel Motor Protected. Air Pressure, Sand Injection and Phase Gauge 1
4 Sandblasting Nozzle Swiss Brand Nomat Boron Carbide Nozzle, 1500 Hours Running Guarantee 1
5 Sandblasting Gun Hardened Steel Body, 1,2 m3/min Sand-air Mixture Blasting at 6 Bar, Custom Made Injector 1
6 Lighting 2x18 watt Led Light 2
7 Foot Pedal Foot Protected Double Exit 1
8 Regulator Adjustable Sandblasting Pressure 1
9 Sandblasting Glove 24" 1. Quality Rubber, Knurled Pattern 2
10 Sight Glass Panaromic, 1
11 Sandblasting System Injection Sandblasting System, Adjustable Blasting Amount (Max Control with Pressure and Sand Regulator) 1
12 Electrostatic Paint Ral 7035 1
13 Sand And Water Amount Gauge Gauges at Cabinet Chamber 2
14 Gun Stabilization Ability To Operate With Two Hands 1
15 Electrical Sight Glass Wiper Provides High Visibility While Blasting 1
16 PLC Controlled, Touch-screen and Water Heating System TFT 7” Screen, 3,5 kWh Resistor 1 Set
17 Cabinet Safety Package Gate Switches, Solenoid Valve and Custom Made Dashboard 1 Set

Medical Wet Blasting Cabinet is designed for precision sandblasting, providing dustless working and brilliant surface quality for medical materials. This Wet Sandblasting Cabinet's working principle and design completely belong to our company. It is used safely in many companies in Turkey and abroad. This wet blasting cabinet has the feature of "Adjustable Sandblasting Pressure and Abrasive Quantity" like all other Saykar wet sandblasting machines.

"Saykar Total Number of Sandblasting Machines 1577"

"Wet Blasting Machines 171"
"Sandblasting Machines Exported Abroad 128"

Wet Blasting Machine